Welcome Dr. Luciano Mancera to Pain Care Physicians! Specializing in non-operative and non-surgical pain management, Dr. Mancera brings innovative approaches for those with complex pain conditions. His expertise enhances our commitment to quality care. Join us in welcoming Dr. Mancera!
Eglis Alcolea, an accomplished Family Nurse Practitioner, brings a rich background in medicine and nursing, with expertise in ophthalmology and pain management. His distinguished career spans multiple countries, marked by high academic honors and a dedication to advancing medical knowledge and patient care.
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Pain is a discouraging condition which can adversely affects all aspects of daily life. At Pain Care Physicians, we understand that the causes and symptoms of pain are unique to each individual. With this in mind, we use a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to customize a pain relief plan which is personalized to the needs of each patient.
We understand that each patient presents with unique circumstances and conditions, which is why we offer various options depending on your needs.
Being in a car crash can be stressful and scary. Scheduling a visit with a medical doctor (MD or DO) after you have sustained injuries from a car accident, big or small, could be a significant step in your process of evaluating the prognosis for recovery.
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Phone: 512-326-5440 | Text: 866-376-5028